Support Center


Enterprise: Integrate with Square Terminal

Terminal Setup – Square

> Sign into your Square Developer account (

> Create an Application for the terminal webhook



> Make sure the Application is set to Production and select Webhooks




> Enable Webhooks

> Create a Connect v2 Webhook by selecting Add Endpoint



Webhook Configuration

> Webhook Name: name your webhook

> URL (for Ticketsocket production environment):

> API Version: 2020-04 22

> Events (checkmark these):

    ✔ device.code.paired

    ✔ terminal.checkout.created

    ✔ terminal.checkout.updated


Terminal Setup – Ticketsocket

> Create a new processor via Settings > Processors or choose an existing Square processor.

> The Signature Key for the Connect v2 Webhook created previously must be placed in the Terminal Webhook Signature Key field when creating/selecting a Square processor:


Copying the Signature Key

> Select your Webhook in the Square Developer dashboard. Select Show on the Signature Key field and copy the key.


Pasting the Signature Key into Ticketsocket

> Navigate to Settings > Payment Processors in the Ticketsocket admin.

> Select or create your Square processor (go through the pairing process for new processors)

> Paste the Signature Key into the Terminal Webhook Signature Key field



Using Terminal for Payments

1. To correctly process terminal payments in the Box Office or for an event please make sure the previously created processor is assigned to it.

2. When a terminal payment is started the user will be required to login to the terminal with a generated device code if any of these conditions are met:

    a. There is no previously paired device code detected

    b. The paired device code is associated to a processor not matching the current event

3. Once a device code is paired the user can continue with the payment process.


• Terminal payments cannot be less than $1.
• To logout from the terminal the user must swipe from left to right on the terminal and go to Settings > Sign Out.
• To login with a device code select Sign In > Use a Device Code.


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