Our new versatile web-based scanning application is taking the place of our mobile app and we couldn't be more excited to share its functionality, Getting started is easy:
1. Navigate to https://www.ticketscannerapp.com/ (or click the link)
2. Login in with your site ID (provided to you by our onboarding staff) as well as your Enterprise logins.
3. Your event list will populate in descending chronological order. If you have an event today, the event will be under TODAY at the top of the page.
4. Select the event you want to scan for. The app will ask you if you want to search for an attendee, scan via camera, or scan via laser scanner – select whichever applies. If you want to search for someone who doesn't have their tickets handy select View / Search Attendees. If your using a smart smart device with a front facing camera select Begin Camera Scanning. If you're using a handheld laser scanner that one of our team members suggested or supplied select Begin Laser Scanning.
5 Scan your tickets as they're presented. You will see that the scan is successful via Green checkmark over the attendee's name.