Step 1 – Creating a GTM container
- Click on create account on the top right section on the page
- Enter your account details before clicking create
- Once GTM is created it will show a window as below, which shows the complete GTM code:
Step 2 – Setting up GTM on Ticketsocket website
- Once a GTM container is created, GTM codes needs to be placed in the backend of your Ticketsocket domain.
- Login to your Ticketsocket website then on the left side of the page select Integrations > Marketplace > Google
- Scroll down to the Tag Manger Variables section to fill in the required information.
- GTM Public ID (GTM ID mostly starting with GTM-XXXXXX, also highlighted in above screenshot)
- GTM account ID (can be found in GTM URL)
- GTM container ID (can be found in GTM URL)
- Click on update settings to save
- Click on generate Google Tag Manager Import File, which will download a JSON file with all the required tags
Step 3 - Importing JSON file in GTM
- Go to Google Tag Manager select the account for which you have created a GTM container
- Click on Admin and then click on Import Container
- Select ‘choose container file’ where we will upload the JSON file you downloaded from Ticketsocket
- Choose workspace as ‘New’ and give the workspace a name
- Once the JSON is uploaded it should look something like the image below–which will show the number of tags, triggers, and variables imported
- Click confirm which will add those tags, triggers, and variables–it will look like the image below
Step 4 – Publishing Tags and Triggers
- Once the import is completed click Submit and then click Publish. All the tags imported through JSON file will be activated
- Publishing is the most important step in this setup–if your tags are not published we will not be able to track most or all of the tracking elements
Step 5 – Installing GTM on your Ticketsocket Site
- Login your Ticketsocket website and select Settings > Site > Analytics and in a separate tab or window have GTM open
- Open the GTM code (within GTM) by clicking on GTM as shown below. This will open the GTM script that needs to be installed on your Ticketsocket website
- Copy the head code from GTM and paste on the head section of Ticketsocket as shown below
- Copy the body code from GTM and place it in the body section of Ticketsocket as shown below
- Once these GTM codes have been added select Update Settings within Ticketsocket
Step 6 – Adding GTM script on Main Website
- We encourage you to add the same GTM script to your main website–not just to your Ticketsocket website. If you are unaware of how to get the GTM added to your main site please contact your Webmaster who should be able to add the GTM script.
Step 7 – Verifying GTM on site
- Install the Google Tag Manger plugin in your browser–doing so will help verify the codes have been installed properly on the site. Here's what you should see:
- Another way to verify your GTM installation is to look within the source code of your Ticketsocket website and search for the GTM container ID
- GTM can also be verified with previewing the website through the GTM admin. This will direct the user to the website where the GTM container is installed. This also confirms the GTM is live on site as its connected with the correct GTM
Step 8 – Enable Ecommerce within GTM
- Go to the Admin section of your GTM account and choose Ecommerce Settings
- Set the toggle for Enable Ecommerce to ON