With our Promo Code Importer, you can import a large list of promo codes with the same settings.
1. Login to the admin section of the site
2. Click on Promo Codes
3. Click Import Codes
4. Click the Select File button and select a .csv file to import
5. Once you have selected a file, click Continue
6. Enter in a Code Description
This will show to the customer when the promo code is applied on the checkout
7. Enter an Affiliate Name, or leave this field blank
Selecting an Affiliate will tie those codes with an affiliate, providing credit to the affiliate for each sale made with any of the imported codes
8. Enter a Group
This is to group all codes together for tracking purposes. For example, if you are importing a Groupon codes, you could put "Groupon" for the Group
9. Enter in a Published On Date and Time
The codes will be start being active at whatever date and time is entered here
10. Enter in an Active To Date and Time
If the date entered here has passed, the codes will no longer be active
11. Select either a Flat or Percentage discount type for these codes
12. Enter a discount amount
13. Enter in Per Order Uses and Total Uses
- Per Order: Enter 0 for unlimited or enter a number to limit the number of tickets per order these codes can be used for
- Total Uses: Enter 0 for unlimited or enter a number to limit the number of total uses for these codes
14. Enter a Minimum Quantity or leave this field blank
To make these codes only work on a minimum quantity of tickets, enter a minimum number. Leave it blank to keep the minimum as 1 ticket
15. Select any Event Limits
This will limit the codes to work only on the selected events
16. If an Event Limit has been selected, you can select a Ticket Type Limit from any selected Events
This will limit the codes to work only on the selected ticket types
17. Check the box to Ignore the First Row if your first row in your file has headers that you do not wish to be imported as codes
18. If you have multiple columns, select Promo Codes from the dropdown for that column to import only that column
All other columns will automatically be set to Ignore Column and will not be includes in the import
19. Click the Import button
If any of the imported codes already exist in your system, you will be prompted to Cancel, Skip Duplicates, or Overwrite Duplicates
- Cancel: This will cancel the entire import process
- Skip Duplicates: This will skip any of the duplicate codes, leaving them as they were first entered
- Overwrite: This will overwrite any duplicate codes with the settings selected earlier in the Promo Code Import