Support Center


Premiere: How to Add Conversion Tracking Pixel

Conversion tracking an order anytime its is successfully placed. Pixel tracking is when you set a pixel in your web browser to track a user when they've left the site or reached a specific destination. Conversion Tracking can be added in either the Global settings or Event specific settings.

For Global Settings:

1. Log in to the admin page with the extension /admin/plugs

2. Go to Settings on the lefthand menu

3. Click on General

4. Go to the Order Confirmation Analytics Box and copy in your conversion tracking code

For Events Specific Settings:

1. Log in to the admin page with the extension /admin/plugs

2. Go to Events on the lefthand menu > Events or simply click on Events on the dashboard

3. Click on the desired event you want to add the Conversion Tracking to

4. Click on the Analytics tab above Payments in the event

5. Enter your code into the Order Confirmation Analytics

6. Click the Save button


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