The steps below will show you how to change the customer account of an order. For example, if you have two different order numbers under 2 different customer accounts, these can both be put under the same customer account.
1. Login to the admin of your site
2. Click Orders > Find Orders on the left menu
3. Click the Action menu next to the order you would like to edit
4. Select View/Edit from the action menu
5. Click the field labelled Customer Account
This is the first field that appears on the page under the Order Information tab
6. Start typing in the email address or name of the account you would like to change this order to
Once you have typed 3 letters, the field will begin suggesting accounts based on what you have entered
7. Select the customer account you would like to change the order to and click the Save button
8. Once you click the Save button, this order will now belong to the newly selected customer account which they can view on their My Account page