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Premiere: How to Create an Affiliate Submission Form

This feature allows customers to fill out a signup form and become affiliates for an event. Once they have signed up to be an affiliate, you can track sales and commission that needs to be paid. Sales they generate can be reported and tracked and commission rates can be established for each ticket sold.

Once a user has created an affiliate account for themselves, they can use social share tools from their dashboard page. Sending invites from the affiliate dashboard will only send an invitation to the event, it does not provide any discounts.  Below are instructions on how to turn on affiliate signups.

1. Login to the admin page of your TicketSocket site

2. Go to Settings > Affiliates page on the left menu

3. Turn ON the Enable Affiliate Signup toggle

4. Select whether or not you would like to track affiliates by customer ID
Optional - If a customer places an order without using an affiliate link or code, and that customer has previously placed an order credited to an affiliate, the most recent affiliate linked to the customer will get credit for the new order

5. Enter in any Affiliate Signup Instructions you would like to display above the affiliate signup form

6. Use the default Signup Email Content, or enter in your own  
This is the email that is sent to the affiliate's email address once they have submitted their form

7. Set your Facebook Invite Image
Optional - This is the image that will show on the invite once an affiliate has invited people through Facebook

8. Set your Facebook Invite Caption
Optional - this will show below the Facebook post that is posted when sending invites

9. Set an External Affiliate Link
Optional - affiliate shared links will be redirected to this URL. [return] will be replaced with a dynamic return URL

10. Click the "Update Settings" button to save the changes

Once you have set everything up, the Affiliate Signup Page can be accessed at [your domain]/affiliate-signup


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