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Premiere: How to Hide a Ticket Type on the Front End

You can hide individual Ticket Types on the front end of the site, so they are hidden to customers until you opt to send out the unique link generated for the hidden ticket. Here's how

1. Login to the admin page of your TicketSocket site

2. Go to Events > Events

3. Click on the name of your desired event or click on the Action/Wrench Icon then View/Edit to edit the event

4. Click on the "Ticket Types" tab

5. Click on the name or the "Edit" button of the ticket you wish to hide

6. Click on the "Advanced" tab of the ticket

7. Turn on the "Hide in Front End" option

This will automatically generate a URL for the ticket using the ticket's "Ticket Key", which can be found in the "Edit Type" tab of the ticket

8. Click the "Save" button to save on the page

9. You can then go to the ticket's Advanced tab and click on the url to see the hidden ticket and send it out to customers


You can also hide multiple Ticket Types to be accessible from the same hidden Ticket Type link. This can be useful for showing a group of Ticket Types that are hidden on the front-end for a user to purchase, all from a single URL.


1. Follow steps listed above for hiding a single Ticket Type to all Ticket Types you'd like to hide

2. Click on the "Edit" tab of the Ticket Types, change the "Ticket Key" field for each Ticket Type you'd like to hide so that they all have the same Ticket Key

The ticket key names must match exactly. I.E. "ticket-general" must include the hyphen in each ticket key

3. Save and refresh the page

4. In the advanced tab of any of the Ticket Types with identical ticket keys you can click the URL under the "Hide in Front End" toggle and that will generate all the hidden Ticket Types you associated with this ticket key


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