You can block the use of Promo Codes for specific event ticket types.
This is useful for discounting a specific ticket type with a Promo Code but blocking the use of that same promo code for all other ticket types. When Promo Codes are created they can only be limited to specific Events so the Block Promo Code toggle is a necessity in this situation.
These following steps along with help of the image shown below will help you block Promo codes.
1. Login to your Ticket Socket website admin page
2. Click on Events > Events then select the Event you wish to modify by clicking on the action wrench
3. Click on Ticket Types > Click on Action Wrench of the Ticket Type(s) you would like to block promo codes
4. When editing the ticket type click on "Advanced" and Toggle on Block Promo Codes
5. Save your changes and repeat for any Ticket Types.